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Readings With Dee

Dee offers one-on-one psychic and mediumship readings that are helpful, healing, and leave her clients with a sense of well-being.

Psychics tune into the energy of people or objects by feeling or sensing elements of their past, present or future. Information is gathered by intuition. Mediums attune with spiritual energy and are able to facilitates communication with loved ones, aid in grieving, and promote healing. Mediumship is a faculty as individual as the medium. Spirit is not a tool or to be disrespected. Messages are given which spirit deems we need to hear.

Dee is a Certified Psychic Medium and Intuitive Healer. She also has studied under various renowned mediums in Canada, the US and the UK. With her deep sense of compassion and integrity she delivers guidance that brings comfort, peace and a sense of well being. Dee is a Metaphysical & Spiritualist Medium, as well as a recognized member of the Kawartha Mediums.

Dee operates from a place of compassion, integrity and sensitivity. Her connection to Spirit is deeply genuine. When you sit with Dee, her authenticity and warmth become immediately apparent. She has a deep commitment to serving both Spirit and her clients, and ensures that her readings bring a sense of peace.

Spiritualism is a religion that embodies many religious philosophies but includes life after death. Mediumship provides the evidence of spiritual existence after death. Mediums do not call up spirit on demand. Spirit comes on their own accord when they deem important.

There are many reasons to make a spiritual connection. Many seek guidance, companionship, healing or spiritual growth.

Readings with Dee are 45 minutes long and can be given at Cedar Shores, as well as in Peterborough and Bobcaygeon. Fore more information about booking a Psychic Reading with Dee, please contact us directly.

© 2018 Cedar Shores Holistic Healing

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